Our know-how

We design, develop, deploy and operate innovative digital solutions for industrial and tertiary customers. A DevOps operator, our ability to carry out end-to-end projects, both in France and internationally, allows us to support your digital transformation over time.


Our senior managers


Stéphane Woelffel

Partner Director


Fabien Balavoine

Partner Director


Sébastien Huet

Partner Director


David Lelong

Partner Director

Our values

Personalized support

Probably the quality that people associate most with us. We like the work to be done properly and that it meets the goal originally set. We believe that following our customer’s thinking allows us to experience the project in a more challenging way. As long as the challenge is not met, we will not leave your premises!

Innovation and expertise

This is what brings us together and motivates us at Castelis. Backed by more than 20 years’ experience, our appetite for innovation is undeniable. So let us innovate together.

People are central to everything

We believe that the human relationship is what connects and makes the bridge between our customer and our consultants. Our team, fulfilled and happy in their work, develops projects with passion and the desire to co-share the success of the project with its customers. Sometimes even, a little joke can do everyone some good!

The team behind our successes

At Castelis, highly diverse profiles and career paths mix, challenge and stimulate each other and constantly innovate.

A passion for computing is at the core of Castelis’ spirit and what all of its employees have in common. Therefore everyone has the opportunity to contribute directly to the project, from the trainee developer to the project manager.

Castelis above all seeks people who are naturally curious, enthusiastic and passionate about what they do and who want to contribute to the success of its customer projects but also to the friendly working atmosphere of the company.